welcome back my world.

hi. my love.
i'm done foOling arnd.
i'm coming back to you as of tomorrow.
well actually not quite.
i'm still rather unsettled.
i still do not wish to be tied down by commitments.
but i cannot delay going back, can i?
the more i delay, the more i won't want to go back right?
and i kept my promise to you that i'll still continue to love you.
i believe my love for you is still strong (except for that horrible email that lecturer sent to me made me waver a bit.)
i don't want to delay either.
if not, i'll soon forget what it's like to have loved you which is kinda sad.
because when you & me are together, i had so much things to say to everybody (i remember i kept talking about deviance to my friend the whole journey home).
and when people ask " are you satisfied/ happy?" or "what can you do in future?"
i can only answer "I don't know but i love sociology."
and when i cried when your results let me down, i realized how much more terrible the feeling was compared to studying something you don't care/ have no passion for.
i still believe you're still the one.
(ok i noe i said the similar thing to LAK 1201 but that was like a few weeks of fleeting moments..shHHhh.)
on another note:
to my teddy bear.
don't feel sad that i'm going back to school.
and that i'll spend lesser time with you.
i'll still spend the same amount of time as i've been doing so.
and that you said even if i'm in school, it doesn't change things much anyway.
don let that hope waver in you because when you always say that, you make me believe too.
i don't wish to go pessimistic again.
from the time i said 'yes', i never became as pessimistic as before.
please don't let it be your turn this time.
it had been my Achilles' heel & i don't want that the 2nd time.
whose free to lunch with me~~~~~~ (striking shawn off the list)
i am free for lunch:Mon- before 12pmTues- before 12pm/ 2pm-4pmWed- before 12/ after 2 pm